I’m just here to talk about…

Athalie LaPamuk Athalie LaPamuk

Athalie in Paris

Bingeing Season 1 of Emily in Paris gave me all the feels.

Not just because it has been almost a year since I have been on a plane to anywhere, but because Paris has always felt like MY city to the extent that someone can own a place. I know you want to fight me on this. And you should.

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Athalie LaPamuk Athalie LaPamuk

Facebook 2006: I was there.

At first, I didn't notice... You see, Facebook stories were commonplace in all of the magazines by then, so I didn't know why she was so excited. And then after a double-take, I noticed my floating head in the background…

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Athalie LaPamuk Athalie LaPamuk

The new legend of Samantha Davis

She is the kind of girl who fills the refrigerator with champagne, loves gold and hot pink, and once upon a time bought a white baby grand piano from a vintage sale on New Year's Eve.

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Athalie LaPamuk Athalie LaPamuk


I would never miss an opportunity to pray for my country: for peace, public health, a better education system, an end to the extreme poverty...the list goes on. But while there's no denying that Haiti needs prayer, this week the hashtag should really read #PrayForDR.

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Athalie LaPamuk Athalie LaPamuk

Palm Springs is still hot and sometimes I'm on the news...

I had only been to the Coachella Valley once about five years beforehand - for Coachella, naturally. But last year, my trip was all business. Business in Palm Springs? Yes. Because Palm Springs is full of hotels, and someone has to build them.

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Athalie LaPamuk Athalie LaPamuk

About that plane though

The aviation news from 2014 reads more like season of Lost than a series of real events in modern times equipped with high-tech surveillance equipment.

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Athalie LaPamuk Athalie LaPamuk

…and the captain's name was Vinko

"Fucking shit" is not exactly how you want to be greeted by the captain of your five-day boat charter, but this just happened to be the case last Sunday when I left Split on the Blue Nose.

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Athalie LaPamuk Athalie LaPamuk

Dear Becky, please don't touch my hair!

A few months ago while at a dance party in Red Hook, a (white) girl asked to touch my hair and grew incensed when I told her that she could not. Since then, it seems that I am constantly having conversations with strangers about physical boundaries. Apparently no one got the memo about keeping their hands to themselves. This is my reminder.

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Athalie LaPamuk Athalie LaPamuk

Palm Springs is the new hotness

It didn't occur to me until I arrived in Palm Springs that I have been in a bad mood for most of the last three years. It should also be noted that it has been about three years since I moved to New York from San Francisco (different part of the state, but California is California.)

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Athalie LaPamuk Athalie LaPamuk

Melbourne White Night

My new friends in Melbourne were excited that I was coming out for "Melbourne White Night." They explained the concept of staying up all night to party, though the explanation was wholly unnecessary. Having spent many a late night with some wild friends in Paris, I am well-versed in the concept of nuit blanche.

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Athalie LaPamuk Athalie LaPamuk

3 a.m. cake

Freshly baked cake and Cards Against Humanity are both regular occurrences in my home, though not always together and definitely not at 3 a.m. which was the case last night.

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Athalie LaPamuk Athalie LaPamuk

Fleur de Lys

In the spirit of making conversation, I asked if he had already picked out his suit and tie for his first day. Daddy is the most dapper man I know, so our limited conversations tend to be sartorial in nature. This is the man who was late to pick me up from school one day in the 4th grade because "Macy's had a shoe sale and I couldn't resist."

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Athalie LaPamuk Athalie LaPamuk

Le’m pa we soley la

I didn't leave home for days after the funeral. I didn't want to face a world without him in it. I remembered my favorite song as a child. Le'm pa we soley la. When I don't see the sunshine. Jean Michel Daudier wrote the words to express how much he missed Haiti after being forced into exile…

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Athalie LaPamuk Athalie LaPamuk

Chez Balthazar

I went back to Balthazar tonight. Again for no reason. It has become a thing I like to do from time to time.

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