I would never miss an opportunity to pray for my country: for peace, public health, a better education system, an end to the extreme poverty...the list goes on. But while there's no denying that Haiti needs prayer, this week the hashtag should really read #PrayForDR.
Fleur de Lys
In the spirit of making conversation, I asked if he had already picked out his suit and tie for his first day. Daddy is the most dapper man I know, so our limited conversations tend to be sartorial in nature. This is the man who was late to pick me up from school one day in the 4th grade because "Macy's had a shoe sale and I couldn't resist."
Le’m pa we soley la
I didn't leave home for days after the funeral. I didn't want to face a world without him in it. I remembered my favorite song as a child. Le'm pa we soley la. When I don't see the sunshine. Jean Michel Daudier wrote the words to express how much he missed Haiti after being forced into exile…