I’m just here to talk about…

Athalie LaPamuk Athalie LaPamuk

Athalie in Paris

Bingeing Season 1 of Emily in Paris gave me all the feels.

Not just because it has been almost a year since I have been on a plane to anywhere, but because Paris has always felt like MY city to the extent that someone can own a place. I know you want to fight me on this. And you should.

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Athalie LaPamuk Athalie LaPamuk

Facebook 2006: I was there.

At first, I didn't notice... You see, Facebook stories were commonplace in all of the magazines by then, so I didn't know why she was so excited. And then after a double-take, I noticed my floating head in the background…

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Athalie LaPamuk Athalie LaPamuk

Dear Becky, please don't touch my hair!

A few months ago while at a dance party in Red Hook, a (white) girl asked to touch my hair and grew incensed when I told her that she could not. Since then, it seems that I am constantly having conversations with strangers about physical boundaries. Apparently no one got the memo about keeping their hands to themselves. This is my reminder.

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Athalie LaPamuk Athalie LaPamuk

3 a.m. cake

Freshly baked cake and Cards Against Humanity are both regular occurrences in my home, though not always together and definitely not at 3 a.m. which was the case last night.

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Athalie LaPamuk Athalie LaPamuk

Le’m pa we soley la

I didn't leave home for days after the funeral. I didn't want to face a world without him in it. I remembered my favorite song as a child. Le'm pa we soley la. When I don't see the sunshine. Jean Michel Daudier wrote the words to express how much he missed Haiti after being forced into exile…

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